Please click here to display the image for 10 seconds.

JS: function appear(elm, i, step, speed){ var t_o; //initial opacity i = i || 0; //opacity increment step = step || 5; //time waited between two opacity increments in msec speed = speed || 50; t_o = setInterval(function(){ //get opacity in decimals var opacity = i / 100; //set the next opacity step i = i + step; if(opacity > 1 || opacity < 0){ clearInterval(t_o); //if 1-opaque or 0-transparent, stop return; } //modern browsers = opacity; //older IE = 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity*100 + ')'; }, speed); } // disspear function disappear(obj) { appear(obj, 100, -100, 5000); } // pause all (naive solution) function pausecomp(ms) { ms += new Date().getTime(); while (new Date() < ms){} } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Code to set independent actions for each question repetition //The slider will appear with the click on the check box var jobs = document.getElementsByClassName("job"); for (var i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) { var job = jobs[i]; var checkbox = job.getElementsByClassName("checkbox")[0]; checkbox.addEventListener("click", function() { // with the click the examples in the instructions will dissapear var tableCF = document.getElementsByClassName("cf-alternate-rows")[0]; = 'hidden'; // with the click the instructions will collapse // var introCollapse = document.getElementsByClassName("well collapse")[0]; // introCollapse.hide(); // Check // aa=this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("wasChecked")[0].value; // alert(aa); if(this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("wasChecked")[0].value==0){ // Check // alert('inside'); // The image is displayed only once this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("liquid-image")[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("wasChecked")[0].value=1; //this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("checkbox")[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("checkbox")[0].style.display = 'none'; //The slider muss appear with the click on the check box this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("range")[0].style.display = ''; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("range_min")[0].style.display = ''; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("range_max")[0].style.display = ''; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('new_text2')[0].innerHTML = "Use the slider to select the number of points between 100 and 600 points."; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('new_text')[0].innerHTML = 'What is your estimation about the number of points?'; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('result')[0].style.opacity = '1'; this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('liquid-image')[0].style.display = ''; // this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("result")[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; //when the check box is checked the image mus dissapear after 5 seconds disappear(this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('liquid-image')[0]); } }, false); job.getElementsByClassName("liquid-image")[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; // Change to 'read only' for the textbox var input = job.getElementsByClassName("result")[0].getElementsByClassName("result")[0]; input.readOnly= true; // Change the value in the box when the slider is activated var range = job.getElementsByClassName("range")[0]; range.addEventListener("input", function() { var res = this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("result")[0].getElementsByClassName("result")[0]; res.value = this.value; }, false); }