function [ fixations ] = labelFixationsViaIDT( EyeMove, mode, durationThreshold, dispersionThreshold ) %%% labels data by applying an IDT fixation algorithms %%% on the given EyeMove data %%% %%% EyeMove: eye movements of the participant [time|Lx|Ly|Rx|Ry|Hx|Hy] %%% mode: L,R %%% durationThreshold: minimum fixation duration (in millisecond) %%% dispersionThreshold: maximum disperion within a fixation (pixel based) %%% %%% Output: %%% fixation Nx4 [posX | posY | startTimestamp | duration] %%% Created by: Jakob Karolus %%% Last updated: 2016-06-29 switch upper(mode) case 'L' eyeData = EyeMove(:,1:3); case 'R' eyeData = [EyeMove(:,1) EyeMove(:, 4:5)]; end %Implement your version of IDT here candidate = 1; fixations = []; % Iterate over data while(candidate