Isosurface Extraction

Isosurface extraction deals with the problem of generating the surface (or, more generally, the point set) defined by the preimage of a scalar function of several variables. More specifically, in 3D an example of such problems is described as follows: We are given a three-dimensional array of scalar values a(x,y,z) with x=0,...,xsize-1, y=0,...,ysize-1, z=0,...,zsize-1 and an "isovalue" v. We consider eight neighbouring data values as vertices of a small cube called a cell. Each of these cells has an interval [min,max) obtained as the minimum and the maximum of the corresponding eight data values. A visualization of the isosurface requires a list of all cells for which the isovalue v is contained in the interval [min,max). The brute force method reports this list by sequentially examining all cells. By using interval trees or kd-trees a much faster approach is possible, however at the expense of auxiliary tree data structures that consume large amounts of memory space. Out-of-core extraction methods can solve the problem with high speed and low memory, but need a large amount of external memory. We have worked on methods of isosurface extraction, that are constrained by a given amount of memory. The techniques developed report the cells containing parts of the isosurface and trade off auxiliary memory against speed in an optimal fashion.

Our work includes

  • Interactive extraction and visualization of isosurfaces
  • Speed optimization with high or low memory
  • Comparison of various data structures for speed optimization
  • The ConditionedTree, a parameter-dependent method of speed optimization
  • Optimizaton of interval trees (dependent AND independent from isosurface extraction)

Some example methods for isosurface extraction:

  • Brute force method
  • Volume space methods: Block partitions, Adaptive partition trees (binary or octree)
  • Span space methods: Interval tree, K-D-tree, ISSUE
  • Seed set methods
  • Out-of-core methods
  • Conditioned trees (our new method)


Dietmar Saupe

Jürgen Toelke


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