We develop methods for data acquisition, analysis, modeling, optimization and visualization of performance parameters in endurance sports with emphasis on competitive cycling. In comparison with other endurance sports road cycling offers some crucial advantages for research:
- Lab and field studies possible
- Sensors integrate unobtrusively
- Mechanical model of cycling available
- Performance measurement (power) readily available
Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe
Alexander Artiga Gonzalez
Phone: +49 7531 88-3020Room: Z 712
WebsiteOffice Hours
By appointment by email.
Powerbike Project
Current lectures:
Theoretische Grundlagen der Informatik (SS 2019)
Sport Science
Project Description
This research in sports informatics will be carried out together with application domain experts from sports science and physiology. A quantitative system will be developed that makes use of state-of-the-art physiological measurements in order to accurately model an individual cyclist’s physical capacities. Together with the mechanical constraints defined by a specific bicycle and a specific cycling track, the model gives rise to an optimal control problem. Its solution guides the cyclist to complete the track in minimum time. To successfully apply current computational methods, sophisticated embeddings, regularizations, or additional constraints must be developed. The challenge of our task lies in combining and adapting the model and the corresponding optimal control problem to make a numerical solution feasible. Our objective is to provide the most accurate, yet practically usable and validated pipeline consisting of physiological calibration, solution of the optimal control problem, and providing the technology for real-time feedback for the cyclist during training and competition.
Experimental Setup
Part of the project is a bicycle simulator based on a Cyclus2 ergometer and our own PC-based control software. The main features of the simulation are:
- computer controlled pedal resistance according to the height profile of a cycling track
- the recording and visualization of training data measurements (speed, cadence, power, heart rate etc.)
- video display of the cycling track at the current position
- scientifically validated for real tracks
Former Project Members
Researchers | Students |
Financial Support
Saupe, D., Artiga Gonzalez, A., Burger, Burger, Abbiss, Ch. R., Empirical analysis of pacing in road cycling, 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports19), Nice, France, 2019. abstract, dataset
Artiga Gonzalez, A., Bertschinger, R., Wolf, S., Saupe, D., Validation of optimal pacing strategies for uphill road cycling time trials, International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, accepted for publication., March 2019, Springer-Verlag, submitted. abstract
Wolf, S., Biral, F., Saupe, D., Biral, F., Saupe, D., Adaptive feedback system for optimal pacing strategies in road cycling, Sports Engineering, No. 6, February 2019, Springer-Verlag. Link abstract
Artiga Gonzalez, A., Wolf, S., Bertschinger, R., Saupe, D., Visual feedback for pacing strategies in road cycling, spinfortec, 12. Symposium der dvs Sektion Sportinformatik, September 2018.
Wolf, S., Artiga Gonzalez, A., Bertschinger, R., Saupe, D., Modeling in road cycling for optimal pacing strategies: Theory vs. practice, Journal of Science and Cycling, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 18-19, July 2018.Link abstract
Artiga Gonzalez, A., Bertschinger, R., Brosda, F., Dahmen, T., Thumm, P., Saupe, D., Kinetic analysis of oxygen dynamics under a variable work rate, Human Movement Science (HMS), September 2017, Elsevier Science, in press. abstract, dataset
Special Issue on Modeling in Endurance Sports Movement and Sport Science, Abbiss, Ch. R., Dietmar Saupe, D. (eds.), International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2017.
Wolf, S., Saupe, D., How to stay ahead of the pack: Optimal road cycling strategies for two cooperating riders, International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (IJCSS), Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 88-100, December 2017, De Gruyter. abstract
Wolf, S., Saupe, D., Knowing your slope on the track: Getting the most out of GPS and power data, Journal of Science and Cycling, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 73-74, July 2017. abstract
Wolf, S., Dobiasch, M., Artiga Gonzalez, A., Saupe, D., How to accurately determine the position on a known course in road cycling, IACSS: International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2017), Springer Verlag, pp. 103--109, 2017.
Lames, M., Saupe, D., Wiemeyer, J., Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 663, 2017, Springer-Verlag. Link
Wolf, S., Saupe, D., Optimal cycling strategies for two cooperating riders, Journal of Science and Cycling 2016, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 71–72.
Basole, R., Saupe, D. (eds.), Sports data visualization, special issue IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, October 2016.
Saupe, D., Artiga Gonzalez, A., Bertschinger, R., Dahmen, T., Gratkowski, M., Wolf, S. (eds.), Workshop Modelling in Endurance Sports, dvs-Workshop Modelling in Endurance Sports, September 2016. abstract
Wolf, S., Bertschinger, R., Saupe, D., Road cycling climbs made speedier by personalized pacing strategies, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2016), Vol. 1, pp. 109-114, 2016, SCITEPRESS Digital Library. abstract
Artiga Gonzalez, A., Bertschinger, R., Saupe, D., Modeling V̇O₂ and V̇CO₂ with Hammerstein-Wiener models, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2016), pp. 134-140, November 2016, SCITEPRESS Digital Library. abstract
Artiga Gonzalez, A., Gratkowski, M., Rastogi, Ch., Saupe, D., Hochauflösende Messung der Geschwindigkeit für Realistische Simulation des Rennradfahrens auf einem Ergometer, 11. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, Sportinformatik, K. Witte, N. Bandow and J. Edelmann-Nusser (ed.) , pp. 132-137, Magdeburg, September 2016, Shaker Verlag. abstractg.
Dahmen, T., Brosda, F., Robust computation of minimum-time pacing strategies on realistic road cycling tracks, 11. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, Sportinformatik, K. Witte, N. Bandow and J. Edelmann-Nusser (ed.) , pp. 96-101, Magdeburg, September 2016, Shaker Verlag. abstract
Artiga Gonzalez, A., A comparison of models for oxygen consumption, dvs-Workshop Modelling in Endurance Sports, A. Artiga Gonzalez, R. Bertschinger, T. Dahmen, M. Gratkowski, S. Wolf, and D. Saupe (eds.) , pp. 34-39, University of Konstanz, September 2016, KOPS -- The Institutional Repository of the University of Konstanz (KOPS). abstract
Bertschinger, R., Thumm, P., Gratkowski, M., Artiga Gonzalez, A., Saupe, D., Comparison between maximal lactate steady-state, critical power and the second ventilatory threshold detected by a computer algorithm, dvs-Workshop Modelling in Endurance Sports, pp. 54-56, University of Konstanz, September 2016, KOPS -- The Institutional Repository of the University of Konstanz (KOPS). abstract
Dahmen, T., A 4-parameter critical power model for optimal pacing strategies in road cycling, dvs-Workshop Modelling in Endurance Sports, pp. 7-10, University of Konstanz, September 2016, KOPS -- The Institutional Repository of the University of Konstanz (KOPS). abstract
Wolf, S., Bertschinger, R., A practical investigation of optimal strategies on the Flüela pass, dvs-Workshop Modelling in Endurance Sports, A. Artiga Gonzalez, R. Bertschinger, T. Dahmen, M. Gratkowski, S. Wolf, and D. Saupe (eds.) , pp. 11 -13, University of Konstanz, 2016, KOPS -- The Institutional Repository of the University of Konstanz (KOPS). abstract
Artiga Gonzalez, A., Bertschinger, R., Brosda, F., Dahmen, T., Thumm, P., Saupe, D., Modeling oxygen dynamics under variable work rate, Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pp. 198-207, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2015, SCITEPRESS Digital Library. abstract, dataset
Quintana, J., Saupe, D., Phase registration improves classification and clustering of cycles based on self-organizing maps, 2nd International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction (iWOAR 2015), pp. 1-6, Rostock, Germany, June 2015. Link abstract
Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., Normalized and xpower to generate pacing strategies in road cycling, Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vol. 8, pp. 780 - 781, Vienna, February 2015. abstract
Thumm, P., Sharma, N., Gruber, M., Saupe, D., Ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der zweiten ventilatorischen Schwelle verglichen mit Experten-Ratings, Deutscher Sportärzte-Kongress, Frankfurt 2015, 2015. abstract
Quintana, J., Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., Estimation of pedal torque variation from pedal motion in cycling, International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 34-50, 2015, IACSS Press. abstract
Quintana, J., Vieten, M., Saupe, D., Parametrization of cyclic motion and transversal sections, 10. Symposium on Computer Science in Sport of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs), pp. 111-117, August 2014. abstract
Sharma, N., Thumm, P., Saupe, D., A simple algorithm for ventilatory threshold estimation, 10. Symposium on Computer Science in Sport of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs), August 2014.
Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., Optimal pacing strategy for a race of two competing cyclists, Journal of Science and Cycling, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 12, July 2014. abstract
Saupe, D., Dahmen, T., Dahmen, T., Optimal control for cycling time trials: The Maronski effect, 21. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs), Konstanz, Germany, September 2013. abstract
Quintana, J., Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., Estimation of pedal force variation from pedal motion in cycling, 9th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS'13), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013. abstract
Quintana, J., Non-linear dynamic invariants based on embedding reconstruction of systems for pedaling motion, Sportinformatik 2012, pp. 20-23, September 2012. abstract
Dahmen, T. Computing a field of optimal pacing strategies for cycling time trials, Sportinformatik 2012, 9. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, September 2012.
Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., Wolf, S., Applications of mathematical models of road cycling, Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vol. 7, February 2012. abstract
Dahmen, T.,Optimization of pacing strategies for cycling time trials using a smooth 6-parameter endurance model, International Association of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS), 2012 Pre-Olympic Congress on Sports Science and Computer Science in Sport (IACSS2012), July 2012, IACSS Press. abstract
Quintana, J., Saupe, D., Evidence of chaos in indoor pedaling motion using non-linear methods, World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport IX (WCPAS IX), Worcester, U.K., July 2012.
Dahmen, T., Designing ergometer tests for the calibration of physiological endurance models, World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport IX (WCPAS IX), Worcester, U.K., July 2012.
Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., Calibration of a power-velocity-model for road cycling using real power and height data, International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, Vol. 10, pp. 18-36, December 2011, IACSS Press. abstract
Dahmen, T., Kalibrierung eines Leistungs-Geschwindigkeits-Modells für Rennradfahrten mit realen Leistungs- und Höhendaten, Sportinformatik trifft Sporttechnologie, 8. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, D. Link & J. Wiemeyer (ed.) , Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 75-80, December 2011, Feldhaus Edition Czwalina. abstract
Byshko, R., Exploration and visualization of race biking performance, Sportinformatik trifft Sporttechnologie, 8. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, Daniel Link & Josef Wiemeyer (ed.) , Vol. 217, pp. 167-171, Darmstadt, Germany, December 2011, Feldhaus Edition Czwalina. abstract
Dahmen, T., Byshko, R., Saupe, D., Röder, M., Mantler, S., Validation of a model and a simulator for road cycling on real tracks, Sports Engineering, Vol. 14, pp. 95-110, November 2011, Springer-Verlag.Link abstract
Wolf, S., Dahmen, T., Optimierung der Geschwindigkeitssteuerung bei Zeitfahrten im Radsport, Sportinformatik trifft Sporttechnologie, 8. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, D. Link, J. Wiemeyer (ed.) , pp. 235-239, Darmstadt, Germany, 2011, Feldhaus Edition Czwalina. abstract
Dahmen, T., Byshko, R., Röder, M., Mantler, S., Saupe, D., Modeling, simulation and validation of cycling time trials on real tracks, International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Canberra, Australia, September 2009. abstract
Dahmen, T., Byshko, R., Saupe, D., Röder, M., Mantler, S., Validation of a model and of a simulator for road cycling on real tracks, 7th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Canberra, Australia, September 2009. abstract
Dahmen, T., Simulation and optimization of race-bike training on real tracks (abstract), Gemeinsamer Workshop der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs 2009, Avanes, A., Fahland, D., Geibig, J., Haschemi, S., Heglmeier, S., Sadilek, D., Theisselmann, F., Wachsmuth, G., Weißleder, S. (eds.) , Dagstuhl, Germany, pp. 22-23, July 2009. abstract
Dahmen, T., Saupe, D., A simulator for race-bike training on real tracks (abstract), 14. Annual ECSS Congress, June 2009. abstract
Saupe, D., Acquisition of Performance Parameters in Race-Bike Training, Dagstuhl-Seminar, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, 08372 - Computer Science in Sport - Mission and Methods, Vol. 8372, November 2008, Schloss Dagstuhl. Link abstract
Wolf, S., Applications of Optimal Control to Road Cycling, University of Konstanz, January 2019. Link. Abstract.
Garimella, R., Estimation of power and energy expenditure from sensor data in road biking, University of Konstanz, November 2016.
Dahmen, T., Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Pacing Strategies for Road Cycling on Realistic Tracks, University of Konstanz, October 2016. abstract
Quintana, J., Non-linear methods for the quantification of cyclic motion, University of Konstanz, July 2016. abstract
Brosda, F., Optimale Kontrolle von Geschwindigkeitssteuerung im Radsport in verschiedenen Frameworks, Bachelor, Jul 2015
Sharma, N., A simple algorithm for ventilatory threshold estimation, Master, May 2015.
Zhang, Y., Cycling power and crank angular acceleration from video and motion capture, Master, Apr 2015.
Knitza, M., Design, Calibration, Implementation and Validation of an Individual Physiological Power Model for Bicycle Racing, Bachelor, Dec 2011
Wolf, S., Optimization of Pacing Strategies for Cycling Time Trials, Diplom (Mathematics), Nov 2010
Blumenthal, J., Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis of Pedal Motion Data in Bicycling, Master, Apr 2009. Abstract
Hoeckele, D., Trainingsanalyse von Ergometer- und Fahrradcomputerdaten, Bachelor, Jan 2009
Füller, M., Datenfusion und Synchronisation, Bachelor, Sep 2006